December 12, 2023/0

Is it Safe to Use Chemical Hair Dyes During Chemotherapy

  Introduction: Chemotherapy, a cornerstone in cancer treatment, involves the use of potent drugs to target and eliminate rapidly dividing cancer cells. A notorious side effect of this aggressive treatment is alopecia, or hair loss. Many cancer patients grappling with the psychological impact of losing their hair may consider using chemical hair …

August 7, 2023/0

Are Perms Bad For Your Hair?

  The Perils of Perms: Understanding the Damage to Your Hair Introduction: The quest for luscious, long-lasting curls has driven many individuals to embrace the allure of perms, a chemical hair treatment that alters the natural structure of the hair to create curls or waves. While perms offer a convenient way to achieve a desired hairstyle, they …

July 25, 2023/0

Top 13 Reasons Why Oil is Not Good for Your Hair

      Oil can be both beneficial and detrimental to hair health, depending on the type of oil used and how it is applied. While some oils provide nourishment and protection to the hair, others can lead to negative effects when used in excess or inappropriately. In this comprehensive explanation, we will delve into the various aspects of …

June 22, 2023/2

EarthDye and Vitiligo

  Using EarthDye natural hair dye is safe and recommended for individuals with vitiligo for several reasons : Sensitivity and Irritation: People with vitiligo may have heightened skin sensitivity or be more prone to irritation. Our hair dyes are milder and not likely to cause adverse reactions or exacerbate existing skin conditions. Many customer …

January 25, 2021/0

Feel Great In 2021

How To Feel Like A New You In 2021 Without Overspending Self-care feels different today than it did just a year ago. Before the pandemic, we might have had a night out with friends, gone for a massage, or hopped a quick flight to the beach for the weekend. Nowadays, we’ve all realized how fragile both our health and our economy are. Not only do we n …

July 2, 2020/2

Harvest Moon Voted Best Natural Mascara 2020

Harvest Moon Voted Best Natural Mascaro 2020 Top Brands   July 2, 2020 By Rod Harper As the year is just passing the first quarter, and summer is almost here, one thing that is not changing is the way we look at home. More people are working from home, and Zoom calls are skyrocketing.  Infinite Earth is proud to present Harvest Moon®  natural masc …

April 8, 2020/0

5 Ways To Stay Healthy

  Are You Practicing These 5 Self-Care Basics? Self-care seems so easy in theory, but it’s often harder to practice than you think. If it were truly easy, you probably wouldn’t even have to think about doing it. In reality, most of us have to make a conscious effort to practice self-care. While most ways of practicing self-care take little effor …